I was about 7 years old & mom had brought us to a park to play. I was on the equipment when I noticed that there was a dog tied up on the stairs of some apartments very nearby. I felt so bad for the poor thing. It was out in the hot sun, all alone, and was so little and sad I decided to take handfulls of water back and forth till it wasn't thirsty anymore. Once I finished with that I realized I couldn't just leave it alone again! Not now that we were friends and it knew I was there to help. So I stayed there on the concrete steps out in the hot sun while the other kids played and tried to be a good friend to the sad dog I now know was a black and white imperial Shih Tzu with terrible tear stains. He was SO sweet, but he was also so neglected. So alone. I knew that feeling of being alone. I was a spirited child that just needed a friend. Someone to talk to, but who didn't expect me to really explain myself when I didn't have the words. I go back to that day often and think how interesting it is that the good I wanted for that one dog has come out in this way. Me becoming a breeder was maybe the last thing on the radar through my career exploration class in college. Eventually I realized that the way to creating positive impacts on families and especially children through the power of a dog started prior to a dog winding up at a shelter. It starts when they are born & really even before that because as wonderful as dogs are for humans in the right circumstances, humans have the power to influence both positively and negatively the outcome of a dogs health prior to conception. The way we treat dogs matters, the way a dog feels emotionally and physically is in large up to us, because we can design them and prepare them for their best lives! We are their caregivers and their protectors as much as they are for us. I still am that little girl trying to help the stray dog I notice by the side of the road. I still applaud everyone who has the strength and time and determination to rescue. I just choose to participate in helping earlier in the process so puppies and humans have the best chance of long healthy and happy relationships with minimal discomfort from the beginning. Someday I imagine rescuing dogs and giving them their best lives on the Beach on the west coast, and that day will be beautiful when it comes too! .....
So imagine my dismay with my emotional attachment and fierce protective instinct towards dogs when my husband and I as newlyweds discovered that we had totally different ideas about dogs. He didn't want dogs OR kids & so of course I said he could have me and puppies or he could have a divorce. Well the rest is history I guess.
Since then we've tried many breeds of dog - just trying to find the right one to suit our family. Then our first son came along who had severe allergies. Well I wasn't going to live life without my son or some kind of dog, so we switched from shih tzu's to poodles. It did not happen overnight! When I tell people to think and research a breed before committing to that addition, it may not be without going on a journey. Anyway, we finally found a comfortable spot in the poodles & non-shed Cavapoos! Absolutely adore the athletic intelligence of the poodle, and the warm loving nature of the cavalier that when added to a poodle becomes and incredible lower energy smart and snuggly family dog!
Just an FYI: we aren't getting rich from breeding. Some people say that breeders are "greeders" and believe me, the majority of out profits go right back into the business, and what doesn't goes into life expenses and self care because it takes a toll to be up at all hours of the night and day caring for dogs and running a household with 3 kids. We gotta take care of ourselves or how will our kids and pups thrive? In addition Brock (the hubs) had a major Hypoxic Brain Injury in 2002. And a large amount goes towards his improved care and maintenance as well. We try to make each day as positive and comfortable for everyone in our family and he has some handicaps that make some improvements to our home necessary for quality of life reasons. He's the best! Like such a big heart! So generous and fun-loving! Also a hairy ginger genius like our poodles, so I guess it goes without saying that we were meant to be!! Hahah!! So I hope you all know how wonderful the decisions to support our family by joining our Freckle Paw Family really is!! It's kind magical that my passion for the well-being and care of these little fuzzy creatures also serves as an outlet to support our family in many capacities, from teaching our kids compassion and responsibility to adding a buffer so when times are hard we can still scrape by so our pups have room to run with our wild children as they grow up!!
Thank you from the bottom of our Hearts for being here to support us! We know so many of you are just here for the puppy cuteness hit, and that's just wonderful too! I hope all our pictures and content put a smile on your face! They sure make us laugh and it makes the hard days all worth it!
With Love
-The Highams