Frequently asked questions
You really get what you pay for and assuming you are working with a real breeder and not a scammer the amount you pay is almost always directly related to the health and wellbeing & trainability of the puppy you bring home!
For so many people the "cheaper puppy" shockwave to their family life is not acceptable and that's why we do the work starting early because we want this experience to be delightful as it should be!
Our pups come with the highest level of training and health screenings appropriate for their breed and age. Our price for our pups going home as companion only (spay/neuter contract) is $5,500. This is across the board for any color or size but is subject to change if a pup stays for extended training. For this we charge training fees after 10 weeks old.
If you like the idea of training your puppy yourself and want to avoid additional training fees you need to pickup prior to 10 weeks old.
If you like the idea of additional training to make life that much easier when bringing your pup home this is the breakdown and what is offered during the time period:
11 Weeks old $750 Your puppy should be comfortable in a crate and Carrier. She has already been on several outings and walks and met livestock and is comfortable will loud and abrupt sounds handling and temperature and texture changes.
12 Weeks Old $1,000 Your puppy is beginning to be comfortable with being separate and alone from littermates for short periods of time. They may even be running around with our adults and becoming very immersive. They are learning to potty train in a larger area and have become consistent with going potty outside too!
13 Weeks Old $1,250 This Is the Recommended Age for GO HOME I prefer If you want just a little extra to make life easier but still be within the critical stage of explosive learning for your puppy!
14 Weeks Old $1,500 Your Puppy is basically a pro by now and is sleeping 6-8 hours and not barking for attention. Your puppy has excellent manners and knows to sit for attention. Your puppy follows and understands NO, OFF, Wait and some trigger words that indicated there is a barrier and has a strong understanding of Safety Recall
15 Weeks Old $1,750 Your puppy Has a routine set in place and can come with you anywhere. She is about to start chewing on things and exploring the world in a new way because she is on the verge of a massive mental expansion. This is the age with see puppies begin to be afraid of things that were normal before. We are gentle and snuggle them extra and focus on calm time near a tv or book so they have an enhanced sense of safety while still learning their curriculum.
16 Weeks Old $2,250 Your puppy should be fully vaccinated and has been introduced to a harness and is able to handle car rides and exploration in a big involved way!
Keep in mind when choosing your ideal take home time that your puppy needs 2-3 weeks to adjust and the longer they are with us, the more time they may need. We include strategies to help them in our 10-20 TRAINING FOR YOU video we send our for your particular puppy so you are as informed as possible and empowered to engage and bond with them no matter where they are on their training journey!
Please consider the value you are getting when searching for your pup! If a breeder has really put in the REAL time to create a dream puppy they deserve to be paid appropriately just like in any profession.
#1 most asked Question:
How Much are your Puppies?

Training with Consistency and Challenges appropriate
for Each FLUFFY Student
How do deposits & payments work?
Once your application is approved and we confirm availability and timing with you, we can then accept your deposit to hold your puppy registration spot through Venmo, or Zelle. Deposit amount is $500. Puppy selection will be made in order deposits are received. If you pay your deposit prior to puppies are born and choose not to select a puppy from the litter your deposit can be 'transferred' to apply another puppy (if available) or to a puppy in a future litter. Deposits are transferable but not refundable. Payment in full is required no later than when your puppy reaches 7 weeks old. Balance may be paid by Zelle or Gooddog which is a platform that screens breeders and protects buyers and allows the use of credit cards. All puppies going to homes with no intention of breeding will be required to sign a spay/neuter agreement. If you decide to keep your puppy with us for an extended period of time, your puppy will need to participate in our extended training program which takes their basic level of training to the next level!
Do you allow breeding rights or full registration? How much is that?
We will grant breeding rights, but we do not always have this option available for several reasons. Breeding rights are only available to very select homes & only for worthy puppies. We only allow a few spots for breeders and often this is full since we only take on a few at a time. If there is any abnormality found during a puppies veterinary health check he/she will not be eligible for Full Registration. We thoroughly screen interested families through a series of questions followed by an in home inspection via FaceTime. We are now including EMBARK dan testing for any puppy with a parent that is a carrier for a disease on the poodle panel. Cost of full registration/non-spay/neuter contract is $6,500-$10,000. Full Registration price depends on registration, color & genetics.
What testing has been done on your Dams? & Sires?
Our breeding dogs are tested for Genetic inherited diseases appropriate for their breed and often we will also do a full genetic panel just to get deeper information about color. All of our parents have their genetic panel done prior to allowing them the chance to even be potential parenting our program. This is a thorough test that goes in depth and tells us everything from health to color and even a dive into structure. We evaluate their structure early and if all looks good then between 6-12 months we bring them in for preliminary OFA testing. We test hips, patella, elbows, heart, CAER eyes. We are protecting future generations from having potentially preventable problems
What kind of health screening is done on my puppy before I take him/her home?
Each puppy will be checked thoroughly by a certified veterinarian in the following areas: Skin & Coat, Eyes, Musculoskeletal, Body Condition, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Ears, Urogenital, & Gastrointestinal. Results of this screening will be documented on a veterinary report which will be provided in your puppies file in the puppy packet. Any abnormal findings if any are found will be disclosed to you as far in advance as possible (shortly after examination).
What training do you provide puppies with before going home?
Our puppy training includes potty training, and early positive exposure to puppy crate & carrier. We take this training as far as we can for each puppy. They are each at different levels and we cater to them each specifically. Puppies also receive early exposure to new things, early neurological stimulation and noise desensitization. The teaching / training helps your puppy form an open mindset to experiencing and enjoying new things. This also serves to strengthen your puppies stress tolerance so that your puppy can deal with stress or frustration in a positive way. The continuation of this training is crucial and should be followed by obedience training so that the line of communication between you and your puppy can stay open, positive and productive. Our recommendations and instructions will be included in your puppy packet for reference.
What's in the Puppy Package?
Your puppy package will include the following: Thorough Veterinary Report, Vaccines and Dewormer History & Schedule, Microchip Registration document (microchip will already be inserted), Copy of your puppys' 2-year health Guarantee & Sale Agreement, scented toys and blanket, 30 days free Trupanion pet insurance, Freckle Paw Bag, Puppy transition food, Puppy Litter/pad (to continue potty training), 'An Instruction sheet for the first night & we will send a video chat to your phone about your specific puppys' progress and recommendations for continued growth and training.
Can you fly my puppy to me? What are the details?
We do not ship our puppies, but can recommend some wonderful puppy nanny's. We can also meet you in person at the Salt Lake City International Airport or Idaho Falls Regional airport. Fees associated with separated transport will be calculated on a case by case basis.
Can I come see the puppies in person?
We are no longer allowing in home visitors but we are happy to facetime if you ever just want to see your puppy. This is only available to families with deposits down who have chosen, or are choosing their puppy! This policy has changed for the health and safety of our puppies and we hope you can understand.
Where are your puppies raised?
Our puppies are raised in home with us! Puppies are exposed to the outdoors and have some experience with crate training and alone time before going to their new home to help make their transition into your family. We also send home a training update video the day before transport day so that a very real time update for their next steps of training are provided!
I can't come see my puppy before pick up, can you guys face-time or send me video's?
Yes, we are able to facetime, Marco Polo & send video to you.
When should I get my puppy spayed / Neutered? Do you have a policy on that?
Each breed is different and vets may recommend different things. However, as far as our contract goes, all puppies going home with Limited Registrations will be required to be spayed / neutered by the age of 1 & no younger than 8 months old. You may or may not be required to provide proof. We have this policy to help prevent unwanted / unplanned litters and prevent the unethical breeding of our precious puppies. Did you know dogs who are left unaltered have a higher chance of cancer? Unaltered dogs also are more prone to misbehavior and obedience issues even with professional training. Our spay / neuter policy is in place to protect our puppies. We want our puppies to live long happy & healthy lives.